Wednesday, May 13, 2009

blog 4- new moon

At the movie mike gets really sick and runs out of the movie and ends up throwing up. the next day Bella waits for Jacob to call her but he never does. She calls his house but Billy says he is sick and cant talk at the moment. the next morning, Bella wakes up on the bathroom floor, she recieved the flu as well as the boys. finally she is told that Jacob has mono and cant be visited for awhile. this hurts Bella because he is the one to brighten her days and the one she loves ( although she will always really love Edward). so Bella decides to go hiking. not obeying Charlies rules. As she is in the woods she runs into Laurent( another vampire), and he tells her that he is on a mission to end victoria to kill her. She then starts hearing Edwards voice and he is telling her what to do. in seconds a pack a wolfes show up and scare laurent away. she escapes quickly and is luckily alive. she doesnt know how that all happened but she needs to stop going hiking and listen to Charlie. i think that Bella is really going to start missing Edward right now since she has now nothing else to taake her mind of him

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

blog 3- new moon

Bella and Jacob have been visiting each other a ton. She starts hearing Edwards voice from now and then, telling her what to do. this is strange to her but she likes to here it, knowing she is still there. so the next day, since the bikes are finally done, Bella and jacob decide to take the bikes up to a path to ride them. Jacob tries explaining everything to Bella but she struggles stay up on the bikeand falls a few times. But one time she managed to stay upright but when she went around the corner she flew off the bike and had to go to the hospital. The next day was valentines day. Bella becomes less miserable day by day. but she also stops hearing Edwards voice, which hurts her. She invites Jacob to go to a movie, a group movie with all her friends. but at the end it ewnds up only being Bella, Jacob and Mike. Both of the boys tried to make moves on her during the movie but she didnt let it happen. I think Bella is finally getting over Edward and is getting all her friends back but is slowly going to start missing Edward again.